Monday, June 24, 2019

Survival Seuss

Survival Seuss...Would you, could you, eat a friend, if it was to prevent your end?
Of course, you'd wait until they passed but prior to, you could always ask!

Arguably, One of the worst things any survivor can face is CANNIBALISM.

Often, when folks are faced with this choice, they knew the people before they died, even if only temporarily. I have taught this in my classes and in my books, that it is enough of a regular reality in harsh survival, that folks should give it a moment of consideration in their own survival planning.

In my book I teach that killing another to eat them is wrong; of this, we can agree, there is no doubt. However, if someone has already died from an accident or from hunger, and there are few to no other choices, then it must be considered as an option. Death from disease requires an assessment of cause prior to consuming to avoid acquiring the same cause and effect. I always tell folks, if I am dying, I will give my permission to the survivors so they have no guilt, or if they are dying, consider asking them. I'd rather someone live to tell the tale than to have us all perish. But this is each person's own choice and can only be made in that moment. I pray none reading this need ever consider it, but I pray everyone reading this, please, consider it! I wish you Peace, Prosperity, Health & Happiness.
Happy Survivalin'! :-)

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