Wednesday, July 3, 2024

For the 4th of July 2024

Here's wishing everyone a Happy 4th of July! As we celebrate, remember why we fought 250 years ago for Freedom & Independence from the UK & a King with absolute power. Now, the Supremely Corrupt SCOTUS has returned us to a criminal man who would be king. Remember Freedom is NOT Free. Those who seek power over the people care only for their own greed. Vote like the life of Democracy depends on you, because it does this year more than ever before in our short lived American history.

So I am highly recommending a film. Every American should see this before voting. CIVIL WAR, the film, 2024.


We almost lost our Freedom once already in a Civil War 100 years after our Independence. Now it looks like some want to do a repeat of this tragedy. Anyone talking of Violence against their fellow Americans just because they disagree, when they have voting as a path is not interested in Rule of Law, they seek Rule of Power.

My Fellow Americans, We are all in this ship together, we float or sink the same. And for my trigger happy friends, do not forget the times- China, Russia, Iran, N.Korea and other evil forces will not sit idly by- they will take us while divided. the path of Peace here at home so that we can ensure peace around the Globe. We are the great Experiment of Democracy: Will we survive this adolescent phase and grow wise and strong united? Or will hate and anger tear us apart?

Recently, I saw an old Grandpa falter, but it does not change who he is as he helms the ship with experience, decency, and a successful economy. He has a young Auntie to back him up. (I don't agree with them all the time.) It's still a better choice than a sleazy Uncle and his Criminal friends as his back up, IMHO. (I have never agreed with him on anything.)

This year, vote like Democracy depends on You--Because it does.
God Bless America!
You know the rest...

PS- I know some will hate me for this. I can only say, why hate, there is no evil here, only love and concern.

I abhor politics and want no part of it. However, I know where I stand and it is not for the angry orange, the Gangsters of Power or the perverted high court.

I speak now because it matters and because if they win, this speech will be persecuted. If we win, we'll make new laws so that liars and felons can neither hold a bench seat nor the presidential one, as the Founding Fathers and Constitution intended.

For my Faux Kristians, your hate mongering rhetoric is not Christ like.

For those who want to return to the church running the state, did you forget the Spanish Inquisition?

For my Veteran Brethren and Sistren, 20 years of war should not color your vision so that all problems look like solutions for bullets.

If we start killing folks here because we disagree with their beliefs, then what makes us any better than those extremists we've been killing? Answer: Nothing.

Please folks, let love guide you and we'll find a way, together. Vote your heart, but vote you must.

It is of interest to my observations that when they win, the system is good... But when they lose, the system is rigged?

For those with such a childish mentality, a childhood saying applies: You can not have your cake, and eat it too.

Be kind, be wise, seek compromise and balance; it is the only way for peace to thrive.

All this, is just one dumb, old guy's opinion.
If you don't like it, you're free to go, but go peacefully with dignity befitting of your cause. No hate is welcome here. πŸ™ ✌ πŸ’™ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Saturday, June 22, 2024

HuffPost and New York Times Articles on Camping Safety and Backpacks

My tips were included in the HuffPo article, posted June 18th, 2024, The Camping Safety Items You Should Have On Hand, According To Experts and the New York Post article, posted June 21st, 2024, Taking a hike? Shop the top backpacking bags of 2024, per experts.

Link to the full HuffPo Article

Link to the full NY Post Article

Here are some of the tips and advice I provided:


Firstly, if you're gonna have two packs, try to have them as an integrated system so you can have your 90L and up bags also work as your 45L and down bag.

Often, you'll want all your camp gear in one bag only, but once your basecamp is built you don't wanna have to lug an oversized, under-stuffed, sloppy big bag when you can have a day bag converted from or part of it--OR, one that can strap onto it. That's my recommendation for bag form factor 2-in-1 bags or two that are integrated, or can be.

As for material, waterproof is key and weight is crucial. There is great joy in hiking through the rain or rivers and knowing your gear is nice and dry inside. BUT, if you have a spill, you'll have to clean it out as it can keep fluids in, too. BUT weight is a factor. Hiking a rucksack that weighs 10 lbs when empty is a huge waste. Each person will know their own strengths and weaknesses, but even elite hikers go for the lightest weight possible.

Materials matter, and they're always changing and improving. So the user will have to do some research as better materials weigh less, but cost more. Therefore, they'll have to weigh their own needs and funds, too.

Components: Pockets mean function. Those packs that look pretty as they are nice and smooth are often without outside pockets. This will make for extra work, like taking off your pack every time you need something and having to dig through it every time to find a snack or grab a thing. So, pockets on straps, on waist belt and on outsides are life savers, especially when you're smoked from hiking and just want a snack, drink, hat, etc. We typically carry 120 lbs of lightweight gear, haha! But we always have pockets, and those make it easier for teammates to know which has the radio or first aid kit in an emergency so there are many benefits to having pockets.

From the selection, I'm a fan of Osprey for quality and weight, prefer more pockets on the outside. The Ascend are great bags as are the Teton. These are for real hikers in the bush. North Face is a great brand and this model is a great middle ground solution. The others on this list are all very nice bags, best for urban or easy safe hikes. Anything where there is potential for being lost and needing to survive, I recommend pockets, waterproof, and lightweight.

That's my take on rucksacks as a Survival Teacher and Retired Special Forces (Green Beret) Officer and Senior Enlisted with 9 conflicts.

Hope it's helpful and happy hiking!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020! May Your New Year be filled with Peace, Prosperity, Health Happiness,Love, Laughter, Fam & Friends! And may God grant us the blessings of Unity & Kindness here in America & Abroad, in his name we pray! Mykel shares as we'll be off line more than on line this year working on many new projects, we will share when we can, so stay tuned, be well, have fun, work hard and happy survivalin'!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Hawke's Happy Thanksgiving Holiday Season

Happy Thanksgiving Holiday Season to all, 
as I am very thankful to be so blessed 
with such a wonderful family and 
We hope happiness and joy is filling your lives, too.

Honored to call Ruthie, Mrs. Hawke, Sergeant Major and Wifey. 
She's put up with me and that's amazing, ha! Blessed Husband, I am, indeed! 

Very proud of Gabe, our little judo gold medalist. — 
The Hawkes teach Survival to young ladies on ABC

Hawke teaches Netflix Daybreak Cast how to survive the Zombie Apocalypse

Honored to share a bit of survival knowledge with the lead cast 
of the fun new show on Neflix called "Daybreak". 

I've been a long time fan of Matthew Broderick (AKA: Ferris Bueller) 
and it was nice to meet the 2 young stars as well. 
They did a great job really and this is more of the fun bits. 
The show itself is a mature teen series 
that fuses alot of fun stuff like Buffy The Vampire Slayer, 
Ferris Bueller's day off, Mad Max and alot more. 
Hawke's Halloween Zombie Apocalypse training video for' Ferris Bueller' & CastIt's all in good fun and on time for the Halloween season.
(Some mature language and action in this show and preview.)
SPECIAL THANKS to NETFLIX, Cast, Crew & Production for DAYBREAK

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Happy Fourth!

HAPPY 4TH of JULY from Patriots abroad to Americans at Home...

This Independence Day, let us remember what it took to get here, appreciate what it takes to stay here, and contemplate what it would cost to lose here.

As we face potential wars overseas, let us seek resolutions of mutual benefit. As we face strife in our homeland, let us find commonality towards peace.

Remember, We are all Americans: United We Stand...that simple. Happy 4th of July and may y'all have a blessed summer season!

Hawke signing off for a spell for fam time and special works. I wish you all Peace, Prosperity, Happiness & Health!

On that note, I leave you with some inspirational quotes...a few all-American quotes from our great leaders and founding fathers...

"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty."   John F. Kennedy
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."  Ronald Reagan

And to wrap, a few from Abraham Lincoln...

Nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. 
America will not be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedom, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.  
Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.

(So long as it be that way, once we lose our way, we will find that we perish. MH)